Designed by Gordon Guillaumier, Arena opens an entirely new chapter within the universe of Roda. The range currently consists of a single "eye catcher” element, an image product that not only draws the attention, but meets the need to have a greatly comfortable "hybrid” seat, where relax, sunbathe or read a book in an informal and casual atmosphere.
Arena brings and reinforces a fundamental structural aspect to make the most of outdoor experience: the main characters of the seat are its softness, making it cozy in a special way thanks to the elliptical shape, the inclination of the backrest and the tubular knit fabric that is a brand new proposal by Roda.
The external knit is obtained by interweaving polyester double-twisted threads, which come in a different shade of colour each, thus creating an optical mélange effect. The padding is composed of a polyester drying flake. Performance 100% outdoor. Hydrodraining feature components grant a fast drying. Plus the external knit combined with the inner padding result in softness and comfort.